Backpack-Induced Back Pain in Children

Back pain is very  common for typical adults who go through the usual stresses of daily life.  However, an alarming trend has emerged, with back pain now affecting the  younger generations. Yes, you guessed it right. Overweight backpacks have a lot  to do with it.

In the recent  decade, chiropractors have noticed the increase in the number of youngsters  seeking their expertise. This should not be surprising considering the amounts  of weight they carry in their backpacks. Worse, fashion dictates children to  slung them just over one shoulder. It is estimated that at least 60% of  children carrying disproportionate-weight backpacks will experience back pain.

What can you do to  prevent this? Well, first of all, it is best to limit your child’s backpack  weight only to 5-10% of his/her body weight. You should also choose the right  backpack – one that is just the right size with wide, well-padded and  adjustable straps, and with individualized compartments for effective positioning  of contents. You should make sure your child wears the backpack correctly. It  should hang less than four inches below the waistline, and encourage the use of  both shoulder straps.

Heavy backpacks  cause children to bend forward to support the weight on their backs. If not  worn correctly, it can also cause them to lean forward when walking. If they  carry their backpacks around for long hours, you can expect back pain to set-in  eventually.

While there is not  much we can do about heavy books and school materials, you can protect your  child from backpack-induced back pain. If your child happens to already be  experiencing it, you should seek the help of a good chiropractor who can come  up with a natural treatment program to treat your problem. If you want the best  for your child, you will act now.