Sciatica: How to Achieve Real, Permanent Relief

You probably  have heard of it. Or you might have not. Well, sciatica seems to be affecting  more and more sufferers these days. Sciatica is a condition that affects the  sciatic nerve, which is the largest and the longest nerve in the body. This  nerve is actually made up of five smaller nerves which branch off from your  spinal column. As these five nerves exit through the lower lumbar, they travel  down from the buttocks to the thighs down to the legs.

Sciatica is a  condition which occurs when the sciatic nerve is inflamed and you feel a  darting pain in your legs. Along with leg pain, you may feel sharp, burning  pain in the buttocks, the thigh, in the back of your legs, and even at the foot  and toes. Sometimes, along with the pain in along the nerve path, your leg may  also feel numb, weak, tight or restless.
As treatment,  doctors usually prescribe medication and pain relief. They are quite effective  in relieving the pain, but does the pain really disappear permanently? Does it  really get to the main cause of this problem?

It is quite  obvious that sciatica has something to do with the spine. In fact,  misalignments and improper positioning of the spine can result to irritation in  your sciatic nerve, which in turn can lead to sciatica.

Real relief  from this condition can only be experienced if you resolve the spine  misalignment which is the main root of the pain. Unfortunately, medications  don’t have the ability to correct your spine. If you continue to allow drugs to  mask the symptom, you can only be adding more damage to your condition.

Chiropractic  treatment proves one of the best way to relieve sciatic pain. Now that you have a way out, book an appointment to get checked by a chiropractor.