Recurring Headaches: Causing by neck misalignments

If you are  suffering from headaches almost everyday, you are among millions who do. You go  through the perpetual cycle of “having a headache – taking a pain  reliever”. At this rate, you are most likely worried and have consulted  your doctor at least once.

The pain can  either be in your temples, on the base of your skull, or behind your eyes, or a  combination. Still, many other experience the kind of headache which radiate  from the head right down to the neck and shoulders, with their head feeling too  heavy to simply hold up. This radiating headache, known as the cervicogenic  type, is caused mainly by the stress felt by the nerves and muscles in the  neck.

You see, the  neck should be positioned in a natural, forward curve to allow your spinal  column to have a relaxed position. If your neck is positioned that way, the  joints in your spine will experience the least strain and the muscles in your  neck will exert the least effort in pulling. However, most of us can not maintain  this for long. Think about poor posture, car accidents, falls, and the stresses  of everyday life – all these can cause the curve to go awry. When this happens,  the spinal cord will experience undue strain, the neck joints will become  restricted, and the surrounding muscles can become sore. Eventually, you will  start to feel the pain and suffer from headaches much too often.

What then can  treat your recurring headache? Permanent relief can only be felt when the spine  comes back to its normal position and alignment. As you restore your neck  curve, your nerves, joints and muscles will be set free from undue strain, and  you will be too!