Osteoporosis: Explained

If you think that osteoporosis can  only happen to the elderly, think again! We normally associate osteoporosis  with old women with hunched backs. But did you know that about 20 million women in America alone  suffer from it at present, with 80% of them not even knowing? Quite alarming,  isn’t it?

Osteoporosis is a progressive  condition which makes the bone brittle, making them more susceptible to  fracture. One in two women (one in eight men) are expected to experience fractures related  to osteoporosis in his/her lifetime. Many of those who contract this disease  often wait for pain, swollen joints or discomfort before getting themselves checked.Remember, people that suffer from osteoporosis do not exhibit symptoms until a bone fracture occurs. If you want to avoid osteoporosis or at least  lessen its consequences, it a good idea to adjust your lifestyle accordingly.

Maintaining a regular exercise program (walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, racquet  sports are all great) for at least a two hours a week, helps to stengthen your bones.

Taking at least 1,000-1,5000 mg of calcium a day is effective in preventing this  disease.  Aside from calcium supplements, you should also consider taking  nutritional supplements to supply you with vitamins and minerals which aid in  calcium absorption. Eating a healthy and balanced diet and drinking at least 8  glasses of water can also make a difference.

Last but not the least, it is a good idea  to see a chiropractor. Your chiropractor can suggest more ways to improve  the health of your bones, so that you may never have to deal with osteoporosis.  Yes, osteoporosis can affect you. Protect yourself now before it’s too late.